Council awards NPO's, considers Devonshire contract
During its regular Mar. 05, 2019 meeting, the Forney City Council met and in summary: proclaimed March for Meals, awarded local groups, approved 380 agreement for Goodyear, expansion of Devonshire contract and construction road around Grayhawk, appointed volunteer board members. (watch official video)
- 17th Annual March for Meals Month Proclamation. Ms. Polk said in Kaufman County they served 145,000 in homes.
- Presentation to Sharing the Love for the Christmas in the Park Tree Decorating Contest. Ms. Beasley said the Bailey family is donating their prize of $150 and presented the check. All trees were donated by Lowe's.
- Presentation of $108 to Sharing the Love, $98 to Forney Lions Club, $78 to Forney Food Pantry, $300 to Forney Education Foundation and $216 to Forney PAWS for Forney On Ice Give Back Days.
- Presentation of a plaque from Sharing the Love Foundation for city's help with Turkey Trax.
- Public Comment - none.
- Approved as one consent item:
- the public improvements for First Baptist Church.
- a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract with the Kaufman County Election Administrator for the May 4, 2019 General Election.
- a Resolution approving an Interlocal Agreement between the City of Forney and North Central Texas Emergency Communications District (NCT9-1-1) for the provision of 9-1-1 services.
- a Resolution approving a Chapter 380 Agreement between the City of Forney and FG-1, LLC for development located at the southwest corner of the intersection of Highway 80 and Gateway Boulevard.
- the public improvements for First Baptist Church.
- Approved a Resolution approving a Second Amendment to the Wastewater Contract with Kaufman County Municipal Utility District No. 3 to provide additional wastewater services for residential development outside of the city limits of the City of Forney.
Mr. Carson said Mr. Thatcher did this on request of developer - Mr. Thatcher said this is for Devonshire, a M.U.D. outside city limits, in Dallas ETJ. In 2005 Forney sponsored them, 3 cities utilize interceptor, Devonshire is main user for Forney. Later amended to include more area; now requested more expansion and capacity, adding 470 acres. Heath and Rockwall will also have to approve.
Mr. Larry Freeman said there is no adverse impact on the system, there will be a parallel interceptor in future. The developer will pay for proportion they use, + 20% to city. Mr. Moon asked if there was no cost to city - correct, plus city gets 20%. Mr. Moon asked if revenues to city would grow - yes. Ms. Powers asked if any problems w/ Heath or Rockwall - Mr. Thatcher said each approved prior amendment; Mr. Dormier is also engineer for Heath, but historically each city has sponsored subdivisions for the same line. Mr. Thomas had Ms. Woodham run a spreadsheet - in 2014 city made $20k, 2018 was $64k. Only read a meter to get that. 2019 would be $68k; adding houses in 2019 would be $100k, 2024: $368k, 2029: $652k, 2032: $791k, total $6.5 mil if approved. It's well known the state looking to reduce property tax, important to look at other revenue streams. Forney has a low tax rate compared to neighbors. Mr. Moon said have no control over these houses, this is pure profit. Mr. Johnson mentioned an environmental issue: don't want to see a package plant, which will happen if this isn't approved; they are not usually well maintained, Windmill Farms had a major overflow. It makes sense to approve. Mr. Thomas said this MUD #3 doesn't service FISD, MUD 2 does, FISD has contract with them. Mr. Myers asks Mr. Thatcher if looking at $6.5 mil with no risk to city - Mr. Thatcher said based on rates by NTMWD, which Forney is a partner, minimal if any risk to city, really is a money-maker.
- Vision 2025 -- Goals and Initiatives
Mr. Moon said it has an error on page 4.
- Approved the authorization to expand and extend the scope for the Mustang Creek Lift Station CIP project.
Mr. Carson said there have been some questions, alternate bids were put into RFQ. Mr. Zook said original bid included a road going through a neighborhood, could have another road not going through neighborhood for 250k. This $20 million project came in $5 million under, including extra for this road. Mr. Carson said would like to add the 250k to the project to keep traffic from going through Grayhawk. Mr. Moon said makes sense, if have the money. Ms. Woodham said during budget process, raised sewer rates to fund lift station, will have a surplus to cover this.
- Approved an Ordinance amending the 2018-19 fiscal year budget to transfer funds from the Capital Purchases Fund and CIP Fund balance to create a technology infrastructure project.
Mr. Carson introduced Mr. Cardwell who said budgeted 150k to upgrade phone system. When he arrived and reviewed systems, was clear need to upgrade other systems before phone system. Need to add more switches, another server. He wants to reclassify the funds for that. Mr. Johnson said need as much info as possible in agenda items. Mr. Cardwell said it should be in councils' packet.
- Made appointments to various boards and commissions.
Ms. Brooks said have alternate openings on ARB, and on BOA. Mr. Johnson nominated Andy Parker for alt. ARB, he was approved. Ms. Powers nominated Sandy Blair, approved. For BOA Ms. Powers nominated Paul Brennan, approved. Mr. Thomas nominated Jonathan Dolleman, approved.
- no executive session
- Adjourned at 1916
Tuesday, 2019, March 5