P&Z: Firestone, Day Care, C-Life, Gateway Parks
During its regular Sep. 05, 2019 meeting, the Forney Planning & Zoning Commission met to approve Firestone, Children's Lighthouse care center, Chick-fil-a expansion, C-Life building, and discuss changes to Gateway Parks:
- Held Public Hearings -
- Approved a conditional use permit for Auto Repair (Minor), located southeast of the intersection of F.M. 548 and the Union Pacific Railroad.
Mr. Dixon briefed council: Firestone wants to operate there, 1.3 acres, building will be 6,424 sq. ft., will not have outdoor vehicle storage. No responses to public notices.
There was no public input.
Mr. Cunningham asked rep. Steve Myer if they are next to Racetrac - yes, between them and railroad, they share a property line down the access drive. They will have shared access to 548.
- Approved a conditional use permit, with exception for parking, for a child care center to operate east of the F.M. 741 and Monitor Boulevard intersection.
Mr. Morgan stated PD allows the use, with CUP. Stone and Stucco comply with the PD. Change requested to parking - ordinance requires semi-circular drive, but parents will be required to accompany students in or out, so they prefer regular parking. Plans show playgrounds and splash-pad. Masonry wall will be used adjacent to homes. Access off Monitor and FM 741 shared with adjacent lot. No responses to public notices. Staff recommends approval except for parking request.
There was no public input.
Ms. Holler said she understands to parking request, but the property might require one-way drive. She prefers the covered parking or sidewalks for bad weather. Mr. Raveendran said there is covered area, really a covered entry. Ms. Holler mentioned high school traffic is very crazy. Mr. Raveendran said he would discuss it (one-way drive) with his people. Mr. Wilcoxson asked how they prevent traffic backing up onto the road: they may have someone directing traffic during peak hours, the Monitor entrance should be fine. Mr. Wilcoxson said it's a matter of how they operate the center. Mr. Chambers asked how many might enroll: 175-200, depending on state licensing.
- Approved a preliminary plat for Forney Daycare Addition, located east of the F.M. 741 and Monitor Boulevard intersection.
Mr. Morgan said same item, required to establish lot lines.
- Approved a site plan for Children's Lighthouse, located east of the F.M. 741 and Monitor Boulevard intersection.
Mr. Morgan said same item, as presented with CUP, with parking exception.
- Approved a final plat for Firestone Addition, located southeast of the intersection of F.M. 548 and the Union Pacific Railroad.
Mr. Dixon said this will establish boundaries and easements, staff recommends approval.
- Approved a site plan for Firestone, located southeast of the intersection of F.M. 548 and the Union Pacific Railroad.
Mr. Dixon said this details a 6,424 sq ft building, trees are provided, staff recommends approval.
- Approved a revised site plan for C-Life Church, located at 204 F.M. 1641.
Mr. Morgan said was discussed at Aug, then tabled due to materials. Changes have been made in state legislation that prevents requiring a specific type or percentage of building material. If the material is accepted in a national published code, it is an allowed material. These materials meet the new requirement. Due to that, staff recommends approval. Applicant provided new information, but due to new law it's not a consideration. Ms. Holler asked if anything changed since last meeting: no.
- Approved a revised site plan for Chick-fil-a, located at 900 E. U.S. Highway 80.
Mr. Morgan said a small addition of 427 sq ft to building. It increases the kitchen area.
- Did not consider future zoning for property located on the south side of F.M. 1641, southwest of the Gateway Parks residential subdivision: applicant not buying the property.
- Discussed a proposed future zoning amendment to the Gateway Parks planned development.
Mr. Morgan said Mr. Blackburn and Mr. Bain spoke with staff, as during a council meeting it was stated there was a desire for variety in housing sizes. They would like to provide that variety in gateway parks, by having 70+ foot lots in the area adjacent along the boundary of Grandview Estates, and 40 foot lots in the area fronting 1641. Mr. Blackburn said they picked up on high number of 50 - 60 ft lots. They could have high-value homes near an entrance. They have provided land for new elementary school, and will build a road along it, that would be a good time to build homes there. Mr. Cunningham asked how many lots; where 122 60 ft were, might have 100 70 ft lots. Smaller lots: 215 50ft lots, get about 265 at 40 ft. Mr. Bingham asked about home sizes: current min is 1800, probably go to 1400. Mr. Wilcoxson asked if these were about same size as Brooklyn; yes, roughly the same. People were not happy about the development, due to materials; Mr. Bain and Blackburn stated they would maintain current materials, would word it such that smaller lots could not be all built immediately. Mr. Blackburn said a 30 ft easement would separate the 40 ft lots from others. Mr. Wilcoxson surmised the folks in Grandview would be happy (with the larger lots). Ms. Holler said was in favor of larger lots, but not the smaller lots. Mr. Blackburn said smaller lots no longer mean poor products - they visited 30 ft lots in Dallas that were very nice. Older people often look for smaller yards. She asked what price difference would be for smaller lots: 40-50k. It would allow the development to be more competitive. Mr. Wilcoxson pointed out the ETJ has ample supply of smaller houses. Mr. Wilcoxson mentioned many smaller developments include maintenance; Mr. Blackburn said they are working with a developer on the N. side that does that. These would not be leased homes, like Brooklyn. That would be the kiss of death to a development. Mr. Bingham asked about noise reduction along 1641: the lots are all the same depth. Formal dining areas are obsolete now. Most of these homes will be two-story.
- Adjourned about 1909.
Thursday, 2019, September 5