Council delays vacancy appointment, approves Interim CM
During its Special Apr. 14, 2021 meeting, the Forney City Council met to accept resignation of Mr. Myers, postpone appointment of new member, and hire previous Interim City Manager Charles Daniels.(watch official video)
- Consider the resignation of Council Member Shaun Myers from Place 2, declaring a vacancy and considering any action pursuant to the authority of the City Council outlined in the City of Forney Home Rule Charter, Section 3.05 to fill a vacancy on the Council.
City Attorney Mr. Thatcher said Shaun resigned, first must accept that, then within 30 days appoint new member. This is unique as in 30 days will have had the election. Shaun is running unopposed, will win, then be given opportunity to take oath of office, or to resign again.
Motion to accept resignation of Shaun Myers was approved.
- Held a 20-minute executive session to consider appointment.
- Mayor Penn said will postpone interviews until after election, and postpone Mayor Pro-Tem appointment as well, so most senior member, Ms. Powers, will act as Mayor Pro-Tem if needed.
Mr. Moon thanked those present who applied, he's enjoyed his four years on council, asked them to keep their applications on file.
Mr. Johnson said he felt the new council should appoint member, who will have a full term, and to select new Mayor Pro-Tem.
- Took no action on a Resolution appointing a Council Member as Mayor Pro Tem in accordance with Section 3.04 of the City of Forney Home Rule Charter for a term until the City general election in 2022.
- Approved a Resolution for an Interim Services Agreement with Strategic Government Resources (SGR) for Interim City Manager services.
Mr. Thatcher said this is similar to what's been done in past, Mr. Charles Daniels is available and interested, can start on Apr. 26. He was here in 2016 during a similar time, knows the town. Mr. Traylor asked for more detail for the public. Mr. Thatcher said SGR is an executive search business, has expanded nation-wide, helping to locate high quality candidates for leadership positions. Also have an interim service division. Mayor Penn said Mr. Daniels was CM here before, very lucky he's available.
- Adjourned at 1843
Wednesday, 2021, April 14