Council ponders a couple of difficult items.

Dec. 05, 2023 Forney City Council recognized Eagle Scouts, considered reducing speed limit, Smurfit Kappa water rate, Housing Authority.

FISD special meeting for Closed Session

Forney ISD held a special all-executive meeting to consider Real Property and Personnel

Latest News and Events

FISD names NFHS stadium, gets new PD officers

Apr. 02, 2024 Forney ISD Board recognized students and staff, swore in new PD officers, considered NFHS Stadium name, 3% raise for staff, additional health staff.

FISD 5th annual Antlers and Tutus Fun Run

antlers and tutus flyer

Forney Education Foundation Hosts 5th Annual Antlers and Tutus Fun Run
December 9th - Presented by Autos of Forney with Title Sponsor Smoothie King

Russell Bannister promoted to Deputy Fire Chief

Forney Fire Department announces that Russell Bannister has been promoted to Deputy Fire Chief.

Council ponders a couple of difficult items.

Dec. 05, 2023 Forney City Council recognized Eagle Scouts, considered reducing speed limit, Smurfit Kappa water rate, Housing Authority.

FISD recognizes students, reviews Attendance Zone maps

Dec. 04, 2023 Forney ISD Board recognized students, reviewed new calendar, considered attendance zone maps and a large pile of chromebooks.

Forney Christmas on Main + Tree Lighting

Forney Christmas on Main diagram
tree lighting flyer

Saturday, Dec. 2nd 2023 is Forney's Christmas on Main at Noon - 5 + Tree Lighting at 5.

FISD announces new ventures at The OC

FISD announces three more businesses partnering at The OC: Stay Golden Gifts, Printer TX, and Haute Salon, plus six student-operated ventures.

2023 Nov. 07 Election Results

These results are derived from Kaufman County results and and are in no way official:
May 07, 2022 General Election
Voter turnout: 9,469 = 10.53%
Updated May 17
27 of 27 Kaufman County Voting Centers reporting

FISD recognizes students, organizations, get Safety Audit Report

Sep. 11, 2023 Forney ISD Board recognized students, partners, considered college MOU's, policy revisions, security personnel, heard Safety Audit Report.

City announces new office hours

The City of Forney issued details on the 4-Day Work Week Office Hours – Effective October 2, 2023.

Forney ISD releases Tax Rate information

For the 5th year in a row, Forney ISD has adopted a lower tax rate. The 2023-2024 tax rate adopted by the board is 6.5 cents lower than the previous year, and has lowered a total of 25 cents over the last 5 years.

Council considers budget and tax rate, 4-day work weeks, appointments

Aug. 15, 2023 Forney City Council considered budget and tax rate, board appointments, 4-day work weeks.

FISD lowers tax rate for 2023-2024

Forney ISD approved a lower tax rate during its August 07, 2023 meeting.

Welcome back, Thatcher.

Attorney Jon Thatcher

The City of Forney announces the return of Jon Thatcher as the City Attorney.

Council considers pet memorial, FISD area parking restrictions

Aug. 01, 2023 Forney City Council considered pet memorial, civil service jobs, parking restrictions.

Forney ARB considers FEDC request

July 31, 2023 the Forney HOZ Architecture Review Board met to consider a request for a certificate of appropriateness, in accordance with the Historic Overlay Zone district regulations, for exterior changes to the property at 210 S. Bois d’Arc Street.

Board of Adjustments considers a larger elephant

July 31, 2023 the Forney Board of Adjustments met to consider a variance for a new sign at 200 Kroger Drive (Kaufman CAD property 178374).

Council ponders rentals, crime and city attorney

July 18, 2023 Forney City Council considered home rentals, fire station 2, city attorney.
