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Council ponders a couple of difficult items.

Dec. 05, 2023 Forney City Council recognized Eagle Scouts, considered reducing speed limit, Smurfit Kappa water rate, Housing Authority.

FISD special meeting for Closed Session

Forney ISD held a special all-executive meeting to consider Real Property and Personnel

Latest News and Events

Council to consider residential moratorium

Forney City Council will convene a special called meeting on a Monday, Aug. 30 to hold a public hearing regarding a moratorium on new residential development.

Council fails to approve residential moratorium

Aug. 30, 2021 Forney City Council considered a residential building moratorium.

Board of Adjustments considers OC parking

Aug. 24, 2021 the Forney Board of Adjustments met to consider variances for the FISD OC.

Council moves forward w/ warning sirens, saving money

Aug. 03, 2021 Forney City Council considered early bond redemption, design standards, golf carts, outdoor warning sirens.

Council considers sports facilities and tournament fees

July 20, 2021 Forney City Council considered business expansions, Oak Creek, sports agreements.

2021 Bond Committee views more plans

July 13, 2021 the Forney Bond Committee met to consider bond election items.

FEDC considers Project Owl

July 08, 2021 Forney Economic Development Corp. considered secret stuff with new Director Ms. Spencer.

Council fills Place 2 vacancy

June 28, 2021 Forney City Council makes appointment for Place 2 vacancy.

FISD considers 2021-22 budget, COVID recovery

June 28, 2021 Forney ISD Board considered budget, construction, helping students recover from the COVID gaps.

FEDC considers selling a building

June 10, 2021 Forney Economic Development Corp. considered a property buy-out and a development grant.

HOZ ARB reviews covered parking, porch railings

June 07, 2021 the Forney HOZ Architecture Review Board met to consider covered parking, paint colors and porch railings.

FEDC getting new Executive Director

The Forney EDC will soon officially announce the new Executive Director, Ms. Spencer.

FEDC hints at a new Executive Director

May 13, 2021 Forney Economic Development Corp. says a new Exec. Director will start soon, privately considered a new project and personnel.

2021 May 01 General Election

May 01, 2021 General Election, for Forney Mayor and City Council, and Forney Independent School District.

Council delays vacancy appointment, approves Interim CM

Apr. 14, 2021 Forney City Council special meeting considered resignation of Mr. Myers, appointment of new member and Interim City Manager.

P&Z considers business expansion, more distribution centers

Apr. 08, 2021 Forney P&Z considered a business expansion, several distribution centers, new roads.

Council approves Separation agreement with City Manager Carson

Apr. 06, 2021 Forney City Council considered annexing 21 acres, another warehouse project, tennis program, Bellagio Laguna Azure PID, FEDC incentive, Board appointment, returning to in-person meetings, overview of Finance and Fire Dept.s, warning sirens, approved Separation Agreement with City Manager, appointing Mr. Zook as interim.

Council approves Bellagio plat, special counsel

Mar. 16, 2021 Forney City Council considered several distribution center plats, preliminary plat for Bellagio, racial profiling consulting, Fox Hollow PID, virtual meetings, NTMWD and bond committee appointments. After executive session, approved obtaining a special counsel.

Doe Belly's expansion would provide outdoor and indoor event spaces.

Mar. 11, 2021 Forney Economic Development Corp. considered two incentive requests, one would provide covered area for Second Saturdays and other events plus stage and movie screen.
