Council ponders a couple of difficult items.

Dec. 05, 2023 Forney City Council recognized Eagle Scouts, considered reducing speed limit, Smurfit Kappa water rate, Housing Authority.

FISD special meeting for Closed Session

Forney ISD held a special all-executive meeting to consider Real Property and Personnel

Latest News and Events

Master-Planned Community Meraki coming to Forney area

Master-Planned Community Meraki will be located at FM 548 and Mann Road, bringing 2,721 homes on 1,100 acres, starting in 2025.

Lovers Lane meeting May 15

The city will host a public meeting on May 15th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Forney City Hall Annex (101 E. Main St., Council Chambers) regarding the planned work on Lovers Lane.

Ranch Road Concrete Repair March 24+

March 24 crews will begin concrete replacement on Ranch Road for about one week.

FISD Comm's Dept. receives multiple awards at TSPRA conference

The Forney ISD Communications Department received multiple awards at the Texas School Public Relations Association (TSPRA) Annual Conference, including Best of Category honors, Gold Stars, Silver Stars, and the coveted Crystal Commendation, recognizing excellence in educational communications and community engagement.

FISD New and Expanded Choice Academies for 2025-2026

Forney ISD announces the expansion of its choice academies for the 2025-2026 academic year.

N. Forney Graduate Presents Research

North Forney High School graduate Jaden Rankin recently received an award to showcase her original research at Entomology 2024.

Heavy Large Load moving through town Sun, Feb 23

A large transformer will be transported from downtown Forney on Sunday, February 23rd, beginning at approximately 7:00 AM, to a substation south of Combine, TX.

The planned route includes FM 688 (Broad St.) to FM 548 to FM 741 to FM 2932 toward its destination.

The estimated transport time is approximately two hours. Residents are encouraged to plan their travel accordingly, as delays may occur along the route.

FISD Students' artwork for sale

Forney ISD's Gallery, at The OC, is offering the community a unique opportunity to purchase original student artwork and high-quality prints.

City wants public input on proposed bridges

City of Forney will host an open house on Thursday, January 30, 2025, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Forney City Hall Annex (101 E. Main St., Council Chambers). Residents are encouraged to attend and provide feedback.

City of Forney Announces Interim Fire Chief

Following the resignation of Fire Chief Derek Briggs, the City of Forney is pleased to announce the appointment of John Holcomb as Interim Fire Chief of the Forney Fire Department.

Quiet Zone officially re-established

After about three weeks of sporadic quiet trains, the City officially announces that the Quiet Zone is once again in effect.

Forney ISD closed Thursday, Jan. 9, 2025

Forney ISD will be closed Thursday, Jan. 9 out of an abundance of caution.
Students will not need to make up this day in the future.

Beware and Prepare

Beware, all ye who traverse the Downtown Forney Corridors.
Prepare, all ye who partake of festivities.
The New Years' Eve cometh for us all.

FISD OC December to Remember for Sat. Dec. 14

December to Remember, presented by Texas Health, continues this Saturday - Dec 14
Head to The OC for choir performances, pics with Santa, shopping, and more!

City of Forney Expresses Condolences

officer Jacob Candanoza

City of Forney Expresses Condolences for Fallen Terrell Police Officer Jacob Candanoza.

Village at Gateway Ground-breaking ceremony

Ground-breaking event for Village at Gateway, a 120-acre mixed-use development at US Hwy 80 and Gateway Blvd.

Boil Water Notice - City of Forney - Rescinded

Due to Reduced System Pressure, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality has required the City of Forney public water system to notify all customers of the Overland Grove, Grayhawk and Dalview Estates subdivisions including the Johnson Elementary School to boil their water prior to consumption

2024 Nov. 05 General and Joint Election Results

Results of State Elections available here. These results are derived from Kaufman County results and and are in no way official:

Nov. 05, 2024 Joint Election (24 of 24 centers reporting - 64% turnout)

Forney appoints Michael Grace as new EDC Director

The City of Forney announced that Michael Grace will serve as the city’s next Director of Economic Development.
