Mar. 11, 2021 Forney Economic Development Corp. considered two incentive requests, one would provide covered area for Second Saturdays and other events plus stage and movie screen.
Mar. 02, 2021 Forney City Council considered food truck rules, received a "clean" audit report, debated bond committee appointments, failed again to approve resignation of City Manager Carson.
Feb. 23, 2021 Forney City Council recognized Officer Pleasant, considered Holiday Lights RFP, grant for PD equipment, salary increases, food truck rules.
Feb. 08, 2021 Forney ISD Board recognized students and staff, held TAPR hearing, picked mascots, considered adding 150 employees, action on aquatic center.
Jan. 19, 2021 Forney City Council considered annexation requests, zoning for Bellagio, distribution centers, Mr. Johnson announced stepping down, made a statement about CARES Act Fund expenditures.
Dec. 15, 2020 Forney City Council considered project Blue Jay, Forney Marketplace mods, Tree preservation, more potential distribution centers, bond committee.
Dec. 07, 2020 Forney ISD Board recognized students & FEF, got some $, considered district radio system, bond for new schools, employee abandonment, a parent complaint.
Dec. 01, 2020 Forney City Council considered amendments for budget, KCFWSD1A, Fox Hollow, Markout, ETJ, a bond committee and returning to virtual meetings.